17 Mayıs 2020 Pazar

Inside Out Multilingual Audio Pictionary link

Book titled 'CREATED BY MIXED TRANSNATIONAL TEAMS'Read this book made on StoryJumper
After creating and practising lots of Flipped Classroom activities in English lessons, it's time to create a common work in which we will have lots of interaction between the students and the teachers from different countries in our project. We will also make students develop more cultural awareness, enhance creativity, more self confidence by engaging them into the actual process starting from the decision making to the creation of the output. What we are going to do in this part is that we'll try to learn some objects' names in other languages using Flipped Classroom and active learning strategies and create a common work as an output. We will use snapwords while creating our multilingual audio pictionary as it's a very creative way to teach vocabulary. We should encourage the students search for the term and create their own designs in the process:)



INSIDE OUT vocabulary activities of partners and students

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Inside Out eTwinning Project Collaborative Flipped Classroom Slide Presentation

Here is our collaborative slide link:


Inside Out eTwinning project partners

İlkay Seven Mehmet Dağlı İmam Hatip Secondary School
Nurcan Sağlam Huzurkent Atattürk Secondary School
Dragana Videnov ,Serbia
Virginia Esteves, Agrupamento de Escolas José Relvas, Alpiarça Portugal
Lidia Nistor, Romania
Iryna Harmash, Nova Praga, Ukraine
Neila Mersyny ,Tunisia

inside out eTwinning project video tutoriols

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İnside out web 2 tools

As we will be using various web 2.0 tools throughout our project, it's better to make a collaborative web 2.0 collection.

inside out eTwinning project netiquette

If we want to be an eligible eTwinner and project parter, we should always keep in mind some ethics and rules about the ınternet safety! We will talk about all the details in our first online meeting but please watch the netiquettes slide to have an idea before our meeting!

inside out eTwinning project

' Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn!' said Benjamin Franklin. We want to create a virtual flipped classroom environment but in our project both the students and the teachers will be at every stage of a lesson learning and applying various web 2.0 tools which will increase their ICT competences as well as foreign language skills Briefly, we want to raise not only the digital awareness among the students and the teachers but also the students’ interest, motivation, creativity and success by involving them to the actual learning process.

Inside Out eTwinning live event

We successfully and proudly  presented our project on eTwinning online event. We gave information aboout Flipped Classroom ideas, activ...